How Should Panoramic X-Ray Aprons Be Worn?
Dentist's offer lead aprons for peace of mind. Choose a wrap-around X-ray apron if you have the option. A coat-like lead apron can reduce radiation exposure to the bone marrow in your spine and other vital organs, reports HPS. Another recommended option is a combination of vest and skirt leaded aprons.
Panoramic x-ray beams come from behind. Make sure the lead apron drapes your back, advises Allan Farman, author of "Panoramic Radiology: Seminars on Maxillofacial Imaging and Interpretation." The panoramic X-ray beam comes from behind, so the apron should cover the back of a dental patient rather than the front.
The apron should be smoothed over the shoulders to prevent imaging problems. Smooth the lead apron over the shoulders. Kinks in the shoulder area leave artifacts on the panoramic X-ray, warns Farman, and a bad image may require that you undergo a second round of X-rays.
Ask your dentist to drape your reproductive organs if you are of child-bearing age. Ask that a lead apron be placed over your reproductive organs. Some practitioners still recommend covering the reproductive organs of pregnant women and women of child-bearing age, and many parents worry about the effects of radiation on their children's reproductive organs.