Indications for Wearing a Mouthguard
Recreational Activities
People who participate in recreational activities that have the potential for facial injuries might benefit from the protection of a mouthguard. Activities such as skateboarding or biking often result in falls onto concrete, which can cause injuries including chipped, cracked, broken or knocked out teeth. Wearing a mouthguard during these activities can help protect the teeth and mouth from this type of trauma.
Team Sports
While playing a team sport is a way to increase physical fitness and teamwork skills, these activities also increase the risk for tooth injuries. A mouthguard can help prevent injuries to the teeth, cheeks, lips and mouth and limit the damage caused by a blow to the face. Players in sports including basketball, wrestling, hockey and football could benefit from the protection of a mouthguard.
Snoring is not only a nuisance to bed partners and roommates, but it can also signify a health problem. The Mayo Clinic website explains that nasal problems such as chronic sinus congestion or a deviated septum can lead to snoring, as can sleep apnea, a serious medical condition in which tissue of the throat partially or completely obstructs the airway. Mouthguards are a non-invasive, low cost alternative to surgical procedures to reduce or prevent snoring. Patients need to have the mouthguard checked twice a year for a good fit and to ensure their medical condition is not worsening, explains the Mayo Clinic website.
Bruxism, more commonly referred to as teeth grinding, involves grinding and clenching of the teeth during the day and at night. Over time, this behavior can cause people to develop tooth damage, including wearing of the enamel, sensitivity, chips and cracks in the teeth. Use of a mouthguard can help prevent this type of damage to the teeth.