Dental Hygienist Replacement Scaling Tips
Service Star Dental
Located in Massachusetts, Service Star Dental offers a selection of Cavitron equipment, scalers and tips and provides an equipment repair service.
Dental Depot
U.S. Dental Depot supplies dentistry products to the domestic and international market. The company supplies tips for Cavitron scalers.
Lions Dental Supply
Lions Dental Supply offers universal piezo tips. These tips fit ultrasonic scalers by makers including Scalex, Bonart, Superson, Vista, Obtura and ADEC. Ultrasonic scalers work by using magnetostrictive or piezoelectric systems to create vibration at the tip, which facilitates ease of scaling.
KAB Dental
Founded in 1988, KAB Dental provides a wide selection of universal tips to fit scalers by manufacturers including Bonart, KaVo, Titan and EMS. KAB is a member of the United Dental Dealers (UDD) Buying Group, which was established to source supplies at the best prices and reduce resale and operating costs.
Patterson Dental
Patterson Dental offers Quixonic universal tips. Quixonic tips are used when scaling and treating implants.