What Is Class 3 Dental Service?
Dental Class 3
In the military branches, Dental Class 3 refers to patients who need urgent or immediate dental care. These patients are not eligible for worldwide deployment until they receive treatment. Treatment is typically scheduled for the same day a person becomes a Class 3 patient.
Title 10 of the U.S. Government Code
Title 10 of the U.S. Government Code is the official military outline of all medical and dental benefits. All active duty service members (ADSM) are eligible for dental treatment at an active duty dental treatment facility. Service personnel who do not or cannot correct their Class 3 dental needs will be considered ineligible for deployment.
Class 3 Malocclusion
Malocclusion refers to poor or improper teeth alignment and is divided into three classes. Class 1 malocclusion is the most common type, in which the upper teeth slightly overlap the lower teeth. Class 2 refers to an overbite, where the upper teeth significantly overlap the lower teeth. Class 3 is an underbite, which occurs when the lower teeth stick out much farther than the upper teeth.