Why Do Tooth Caps Break Off?
Dental caps last five to 15 years. The lifespan depends on the amount of wear and tear the crown is exposed to. How well you care for your teeth is also a factor. Mouth-related habits such as clenching or grinding your teeth, chewing on ice or biting your fingernails may have a large impact on the lifespan of your cap.
Loose Cap
A cap may become loose when the cement washes out from under it. If your cap feels loose, contact your dentist. A loose cap allows bacteria to leak in and cause tooth decay.
Broken Cap
Caps can fall off due to a lack of proper fit or a lack of cement. If your cap falls off, you should clean the cap and your tooth. The cap can be replaced temporarily using tooth cement or dental adhesive. You should still contact your dentist since these are only temporary fixes. The dentist may re-cement the cap, otherwise a new cap will be made.