How Can I Get Used to My Bottom Dentures?
Check with your dentist to ensure proper fit if you have had bottom dentures for several weeks or months and are still having difficulty adapting. Depending on the time period between extraction and fitting they may not fit correctly.
Wait a few days for your mouth to adapt to the foreign body in your mouth and excessive salivation will disappear.
Read aloud to practice speech and get accustomed to the way the dentures feel in your mouth. This also helps build up the muscles that hold the lower denture in place. Use denture adhesive only if absolutely necessary; your muscles will not strengthen if they don't have to "work" to keep the dentures in your mouth.
Cut food in smaller pieces to make chewing easier and do not place food directly between your front teeth (top and bottom) to take bites out of it, this will make your teeth "pop up" in the back and be uncomfortable.
Chew on both sides of your mouth at the same time to keep lower dentures from rocking.
Stick to soft foods that are not overly chewy until you have had time to acclimate yourself to the dentures.