Why Is It So Important to Go to the Dentist?
During a typical dental checkup, a dentist or dental assistant will clean your teeth with specialized tools such as a tooth scraper. He may coat your teeth with fluoride, which is a natural mineral that strengthens teeth and fights cavities.
A dentist can use an X-ray exam to check for hidden oral problems. If the exam reveals cavities in your teeth, you will be asked to return to the office for more treatment. Dentists treat cavities with fillings, crowns or root canals.
If the dentist discovers that your wisdom teeth are erupting, she will refer you to an oral surgeon for an extraction. If your teeth are out of alignment, she will send you to an orthodontist for braces.
Maintaining proper oral health aids in preventing future oral diseases, such as cavities, tooth decay and gingivitis, which could impair your ability to perform basic functions such as tasting, chewing, swallowing and talking. If you are experiencing a toothache, make an appointment to visit your dentist.