What Is Enamel Made Of?
Mineral Component
The majority of enamel -- 87 percent -- is a mineral called hydroxyapatite. A phosphate of calcium, hydroxyapatite is the main structural component of bone.
Organic Component
The smallest portion of enamel is made up of an organic component. Only 2 percent of the dental tissue, the arrangement of this organic material is still under debate.
The remaining 11 percent of enamel is of water.
The proteins that help enamel form include ameloginin, enamelins, proteinases and ameloblastins. Ameloginins make up 90 percent of the protein compound. Unlike most hard tissue, including dentin, enamel does not contain the protein collagen. A study by Finland's Institute of Dentistry, however, suggests collagen does exist in the pre-natal development of enamel.