How to Make Modern Dentures
Things You'll Need
- Dental impression
- X-ray
- Wax model
- Porcelain
- Resin
Have your dentist extract any bad teeth or treat any gum disease you might have. Your mouth has to be healthy before you can be fitted for your new dentures. Don't worry about looking silly if your dentist pulls teeth before you have your new dentures. You will get a set of temporary dentures that can last you up to an entire year while your new permanent dentures are made.
Let your dentist make a wax impression of your mouth. Your dentist will have you bite into a mold filled with wax and hold the pose for a few minutes as the wax firms. This impression will allow the prosthodontic technicians to make an exact replica of your mouth with which to make your dentures. You have to make the top and bottom impressions separately, if you're getting both top and bottom dentures.
Submit to either an X-ray or a jaw tracking machine. These tools will help the prosthodontic technicians to guarantee that they have an exact fit for your mouth when they make your dentures.
Wait while your dentist sends these materials to the prosthodontic technician. The technician will then make a wax try-in. This is an initial, wax version of your dentures. The technician makes this by pouring melted wax into the impressions you made, then cleaning up the wax model so that it matches the specifications of your x-ray or jaw tracking chart. You get to try this wax model in and see how your new dentures will fit.
Have your dentist send the wax try-in back to the prosthodontic technician with any recommended adjustments. Your dentist will help you to figure out if the model is a perfect fit and if not, what changes must be made. At this point, your prosthodontic technician will cast your new dentures in acrylic resin, a more durable material for your teeth. The teeth themselves may actually be cast in porcelain.
Try on your new dentures at your dentist's office and check to make sure that they are perfect. Your dentist will help you to fit them and determine whether they look right, work properly and feel comfortable. Note that it may take you a few days to get used to wearing your new dentures.