Which Gums Contain Xylitol?
Epic Dental Xylitol Gum
Utah-based Epic Dental manufactures and sells a line of xylitol gum. Each piece of Epic Dental gum contains slightly more than 1 g of Xylitol. The company's website references a study published in the "Journal of Dental Research" that suggests that the dental health benefits of chewing xylitol gum occur at levels of 6 g per day. The gum is available on the company's website in packs, individually wrapped single servings or as bulk product. Epic Dental sells its xylitol gum in four flavors: cinnamon, fresh fruit, peppermint and spearmint.
American-based Kraft Foods manufactures and sells Trident gums. With the exception of Trident Layers, all of Trident's gums contain xylitol. Trident offers three kinds of gum that contains xylitol: Trident Xtra Care, regular Trident and Trident Splash. Each piece of Trident Xtra Care also contains Recaldent, a proprietary ingredient that, according to the Simple Tooth's website, is actually the chemical ACP, or amorphous calcium phosphate. This substance is derived from milk, and the website claims it can help restore and protect the enamel of teeth. Trident Xtra Care contains milk proteins and also aspartame; those allergic to either product should avoid chewing this gum. Trident produces these gums in a number of flavors, and they are widely available anywhere gum is sold.
Spry Dental
Xlear Incorporated manufactures a number of xylitol gums under the "Spry" line of products. This company sells these gums through its website and in retail outlets. Xlear recommends chewing its gum directly after eating to achieve best results for dental health. Spry can be purchased in packs of 10, 100-count containers and in cases of 10-packs. The company manufactures xylitol gums in five flavors: cinnamon, fresh fruit, green tea, peppermint and spearmint.