Types of X Ray Equipment
Internal X Rays
For internal X rays, such as barium enemas, a tube is inserted into the body. The tube is connected to a bag containing barium sulfate, which is a liquid used to make a more distinct contrast of the internal organs, producing a clearer image. A small balloon at the tip of the enema tube may also be used to keep the barium inside the colon.
Dental X Rays
There are two main types of dental X rays: intraoral and extraoral; the only difference between the two is the location of the X ray film. For intraoral X rays, the film is inside the mouth and for extraoral X rays, the film is outside the mouth. Equipment for the two procedures include "bite-wings" and machines used for panoramic X rays. "Bite-wings" are wing-shaped devices that hold the film in place between your teeth during the X ray. Panoramic X rays are taken with a machine that uses a tube, which circles your entire head and produces an X ray with your complete dentition.
A CAT or CT scan uses X ray imaging and computers to produce multiple cross-section images of the inside of the body and are clearer than traditional X rays. A CT scanner is quite large and requires the patient to lay down on an exam table that slides into the scanner. X ray tubes and X ray detectors are inside the scanner while the computer that processes the images is found in another room.