How to Dispute a Charge From the Dentist
Talk to your dentist and agree on fees before receiving treatment and know exactly what service or treatment is being performed.
Book an appointment to discuss the issues with your dentist after treatment.
Tell the dentist why you disagree with the charge, resisting making accusations and suggesting a reasonable, constructive alternative. Bring with you anything that will help to make your case, such as information on what dentists charge for the same procedure elsewhere, or anything in writing that shows you agreed to different terms or had different expectations.
Contact your insurance company, if you have a dental plan. It may have its own rules and procedures about how to resolve disputes over dental charges.
Contact your state dental society for help if you cannot reach an agreement with the dentist. A state dental association affiliated with the American Dental Association can look into the dispute. The ADA website has a list of contacts.
Write a letter of complaint to the State Licensing Board, if you feel strongly that the charges are unfair. Your letter should be concise, presenting the facts briefly and without emotive words such as "angry," "disgraceful" or "outrageous." Dental Watch has a list of State Licensing Boards.
Contact a lawyer for advice if all other routes fail.