How to Prevent Denture Salivation
Though dentures are often checked for fit and comfort during dentist appointments, they often wear out or cause sudden problems, such as mouth dryness, increased salivation and discomfort. According to Net Wellness, this is most often due to regular changes in the size and shape of your gums, causing your dentures to fit differently from how they once did. Increased salivation can be a daily hassle for many people, leading many to wonder how to return to their regular lives.Instructions
Place the dentures in your mouth and check for a proper fit. This may require a trip back to the dentist, which may result in a replacement of the dentures.
Rest your gums. According to Net Wellness, salivation often is due to the increased stress on gums, so it may help to work up to wearing them more often. Dentures should be removed at least six hours per day.
Suck on hard candies or lozenges. Because dentures are a foreign object, your brain may signal to your mouth that the dentures are "food," causing you to produce saliva to "digest" them. By sucking on something, you unconsciously swallow more and remove the temporary increase in saliva.
Inspect the seal on your dentures. Sometimes it only seems as though there is increased saliva production because much of it is trapped under the dentures where they were not sealed properly.