How Can I Get a Grant to Get My Teeth Fixed?
Things You'll Need
- Proof of income: previous year's income tax forms and pay stubs
- Proof of permanent address: water bill, electric bill and phone bill
Call your community health care program and ask about dental services. Locate contact information via city, county or community service organizations. Call the local United Way Agency office or state dental associations. Other resources that keep track of community programs include churches, schools, libraries, community centers and community colleges.
Contact the healthcare programs and ask what services are available. Calling each available health program and asking about dental services is important; each one may offer a different set of solutions. Some may offer sliding-scale fees. Others may charge a flat fee per visit or offer free services.
Make an appointment for dental work. Find out ahead of time what paperwork or proof of income may be required. Community health services are usually based on income and will require a copy of the latest income tax return, a copy of pay stubs and proof of a permanent address within the city or community service area.
Show up for the dental appointment at least 20 to 30 minutes ahead of time to fill out all necessary paperwork. Forms are often required by the federal government and others providing the funding. Without the paperwork the free services may diminish or disappear entirely.