Uses for Mentadent
Tooth Whitening
Mentadent toothpaste can be used to help whiten stained teeth, as the product contains peroxide and baking soda, both shown to help reduce yellowing and discoloration of teeth. Baking soda contains grit and is a good agent for polishing the teeth. It was often used before the advent of modern toothpaste.
Clean shoes
A small dab of Mentadent can clean scuff marks off of leather shoes as well as whiten the rubber sides of tennis shoes. Apply a small amount onto the scuff mark with a dry cloth, then wipe clean with a moist cloth. An old toothbrush may be used to apply the toothpaste to the tennis shoes. Scrub the shoes for a few minutes then wipe clean with a dry cloth.
Clean Jewelry
Mentadent toothpaste can also be used to clean jewelry such as diamond rings and watch bands. Use an old toothbrush to apply a small amount to the jewelry, rinse carefully, making sure to remove all residue, then polish the items with a dry, soft cloth.
A non-gel toothpaste such as Mentadent can be used to defog bathroom mirrors, which will often fog over during a shower, making it impossible to see. Simply apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the mirror and wipe it off before entering the shower to prevent this from occurring. The toothpaste can also be used to prevent goggles from fogging up as well.
Cleaning Walls and Sinks
The baking soda and peroxide in Mentadent makes it an excellent product for cleaning stains from bathroom sinks, much the same as an abrasive bathroom cleaning agent. Add a small amount of toothpaste and scrub with a sponge or cloth, then rinse away the residue. It may also be used to remove crayon marks from walls by dabbing a small amount on the stain and scrubbing with a brush or cloth.