How to Remove Plaque From Dentures
One of the great things about having dentures is that they're easier to clean than real teeth. You can take them right out of your mouth, give them a good scrubbing, and soak them to remove tough stains. Dentists recommend that you take care of your dentures just like you took care of your real teeth, cleaning them at least twice a day. If you want to keep them sparkling white, avoid drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes with them in.Things You'll Need
- Towel
- Toothpaste
- Medium-head toothbrush
- Glass
- Effervescent denture cleaner
Place a towel over your countertop where you plan to clean your dentures. This way, if you drop them you won't break them.
Fill a glass with water and place it on the counter.
Place a squirt of toothpaste the size of approximately two peas on your toothbrush.
Remove your dentures.
Scrub your dentures with your toothbrush. Don't scrub too hard, because you could cause grooves in the surface of the teeth. Make sure that you scrub thoroughly, though, getting in all the crevices and cracks. These are the areas where plaque is most likely to build up.
Rinse all of the toothpaste off of your dentures. Scrub them a bit with the toothbrush if you are worried that the toothpaste is sticking to them.
Place your dentures in the glass of water. Drop an effervescent denture cleaning tablet in the glass. Soak your dentures for as long as the packaging on the tablets recommends. Do not soak your dentures in this mix overnight because it could damage them. Only soak them in pure water overnight.
Prepare your toothbrush once again with toothpaste.
Remove your dentures from the glass and rinse them under cold water.
Brush your dentures with the toothbrush and toothpaste again. This will clean any remaining cleanser tablet from them.
Rinse your dentures completely and put them back in your mouth.