Interplak Scaling Tips
Wet the bristles in warm water before using the toothbrush. Interplak toothbrushes should be used only with the toothpaste supplied with the unit---regular toothpaste will jam the gears of the unit. Brush straight across, allowing the bristles to contour to the teeth for more efficient cleaning.
The Interplak toothbrush has three speeds. New users and periodontal patients should use Speed #1 when first starting to use the toothbrush. Speed #2 is for more general use as you work up to Speed #3. Those with healthy gum tissue and orthodontic wearers should use Speed #3. With Speed 3, the arch wire is straddled, helping prevent decalcifying deposits from forming.
Follow manufacturer recommendations to maintain your Interplak toothbrush. Speed #3 should be used when cleaning the toothbrush. After use, leave the unit turned on and run warm water through the back of the brush for one minute to clean it. Each week, pour a small amount of a mouthwash that contains glycerin through the holes in the back of the unit to lubricate the gears. Always dry the handle after use to prevent rust and yellowing. Keep the unit charged.