How to Find a Female Dentist
Women-Specific Organizations
Use the Internet to search the websites of various dental associations such as the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD). The AAWD website allows you to search for a female dentist in your area by typing in a zip code, city, state or last name. You will then be connected to the information of the nearest female dentist.
Ask a Friend
Finding a good female dentist could be as simple as asking around. Family members and friends can provide first-hand referrals for female dentists. Chances are even if they do not personally know one, they know someone who does.
Online Resources
Searching physician-finder websites such as is also a good way to locate a female dentist. Narrow your search by selecting your local area, then peruse the listings for female dentists. Call the office to confirm the dentist is a female before making your appointment.