Different Types of Dentures
Full Dentures
Commonly referred to as standard dentures, full dentures have an acrylic mouth piece that adheres to the roof and gums of your mouth. Standard dentures are designed to be worn by persons who are missing both upper and lower teeth. Full dentures require a precise fitting to ensure a secure fit and the proper level of suction. Full dentures generally involve four visits to the dentist to complete the design, manufacture and fit of the dentures. It takes approximately eight weeks for the gums to properly heal and stabilize, so some people consider temporary or immediate dentures in the meantime. These are manufactured prior to the removal of the natural teeth and fitted immediately after extraction. The Cu-Sil dentures are very similar to the standard denture and are basically fitted in the same manner. Cu-Sil dentures have open spaces to allow for remaining healthy natural teeth, which is the only difference between them and standard dentures.
Partial Dentures
Partial dentures are designed for persons who still have some healthy teeth and are structured to be supported by these teeth or a combination of teeth and tissue. There are a few different types of materials that may be used to manufacture partial dentures, according to the website Accurate Denture Clinic. Acrylic partials are generally used as a temporary or transitional replacement of missing teeth whereas the metal/acrylic partial is more permanent. Thermoplastics allow for more flexibility and aesthetics. Partials have the benefit of stabilizing your natural teeth by preventing them from shifting into spaces left by lost teeth and are not harmful to your remaining teeth.
Permanent Dentures
Permanent dentures are basically installed into your mouth and permanently adhered in different ways. A partial permanent denture is actually bonded to surrounding natural teeth that have been fitted with crowns to allow for more stability. Another method of permanent dentures is referred to as the implant method. Regardless of how many natural teeth you have, implant dentures blend in well with variable mounting methods. The basic process involves the surgical implant of titanium rods into the bone tissue of the gums and positioned according to the design of the dentures. After the gums have healed completely, the dentures are cemented to the rods.