How do I Find a Dentist in Vancouver?
Things You'll Need
- Pen or pencil
- Paper
Consider Needs
Consider factors such as age of the patient, other health issues, available hours for both patient and dentist, location and parking. For example, if your child is the patient, you might consider a dental office with a child-friendly waiting room, convenient parking nearby and extended office hours.
Search The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia website for an online directory of active dentists. View details such as the dentist's gender, graduation date and practice location. Write down a few names for further research.
Search the British Columbia Dental Association website to compare at least two or three dentists who accept new patients. On the web page titled "Dentists Accepting New Patients," select "Vancouver" on the drop-down menu, the type of dentist and language. Choose factors for an advanced search such as children, discounts for seniors or post-secondary students, physically challenged patients and wheelchair access. Record notes on a short list of dentists.
View the MediDent online directory of more than 400 general dentists in Metro Vancouver. This website showcases dental practices with brief photographic or video presentations. Access links to dental health and other health news.
Search The British Columbia Dental Association website for Vancouver's reduced-cost clinics if you have a low budget or no dental insurance. Consider dental services at The University of British Columbia's Faculty of Dentistry, the Vancouver Community Health Services Dental Program, or Mid Main Community Health Centre as starting points.
Review your list, notes and sources such as the dentist's website, if applicable. Telephone the dental office to book an initial appointment or consultation.
Observe the dentist's manner, level of care and office surroundings. Consider the pros and cons of the dental office's facilities.
Decide if you feel confident with the level of care and cost of services offered. Continue under the dentist's care if the service satisfies you.