Common Dental Questions
How Do Cavities Form?
Brush twice a day to help prevent cavities. When you eat foods that contain sugars and starches, the residue of these substances stays stuck to your teeth. The normal bacteria inside your mouth feed on these sugars and starches and cause them to be converted into acids. Bacterial plaque is formed by the mixture of your saliva, bacteria, acid and additional food debris which then sticks to the teeth. The acids in the plaque eat through the tooth enamel and create the holes we call cavities.
What Is A Root Canal?
Root canals can be performed with little or no discomfort. A root canal is a procedure typically performed to salvage a severely infected or decayed tooth. During the procedure, the nerve and pulp of the tooth is removed and the inside cleaned and coated with a protective substance. The final step of a root canal often involves placing a support on the tooth for stability and a crown to protect the surface that remains on the tooth. Despite its reputation a root canal can be performed today with little or no discomfort.
What Is Better? Dentist Tooth Bleaching or Store-Bought Bleaching?
Dentist-supplied bleaching trays have advantages over store-bought trays. Both store-bought and dentist-prepared bleaching solutions are effective in whitening your teeth. However, there are a couple of reasons why bleaching solutions provided by your dentist may be a superior choice. First, dental bleaching trays are custom fitted to your teeth, while store-bought bleaching trays are designed only to fit in your mouth. Since the bleaching solutions irritate the gums, custom-fit trays keep the solution on your teeth instead of the gums. Gum irritation is also the reason why store-bought bleaching solutions are weaker than dentist-supplied trays. Thus, dentist trays are stronger and bleach whiter, with less irritation to your gums.
Which Toothpaste Is Best?
Toothpaste and baking soda are both effective at removing plaque from teeth. It really doesn't matter which toothpaste you choose to use. What is most important is the brushing process itself. Most toothpastes available today contain a mild abrasive that assists in removing plaque from tooth surfaces. It's also possible to use baking soda mixed with a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution instead of toothpaste, if you prefer. The sodium bicarbonate in baking soda, aside from being a mild abrasive, can help prevent cavities by neutralizing the acids found in plaque.