How to Report Problem With a Dentist
Dental societies may offer to help mediate a dispute or provide a peer review committee to evaluate your complaint and the dentist's actions. You can use them for complaints about fees and treatment, but if you aren't satisfied with their results or have a serious problem, you can file a complaint with your state's Board of Dental Examiners.
Find out what societies your dentist is a member of. You can ask directly or look for memberships posted in the office or included on a letterhead. You can also use the list of dental societies in the Resources section. Go to the websites of the ones that seem applicable for your dentist's specialty or location and search for his name on the society's Web page.
Visit the website of each society that your dentist is a member of and read the complaint resolution policies. If the society doesn't display its procedure online, use the contact information to call and discuss your situation. Choose the society that you think will handle your complaint the best.
Write a brief, clear summary of your complaint, including dates, names of people involved, procedures, dollar amounts and any other relevant facts. Gather evidence such as bills or photos. Present your complaint in the form that the society requests and follow their procedure for mediation or peer review.
File a complaint with your state's Board of Dental Examiners if you're unsatisfied with the outcome or if you feel your complaint is more serious. Find contact information for your state in the list provided by the American Association of Dental Boards in the Resources section. If directions for filing a complaint aren't available on your state board's Web page, call and ask for further information and follow your state board's instructions for filing a complaint.