Neem Oil & Gum Disease

Neem oil comes from the seeds of neem tree, an indigenous plant of India and Sri Lanka known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Used as a pesticide, insecticide and for cosmetic purposes, neem oil is believed to reduce gum diseases.
  1. Features

    • Neem oil contains the active ingredients azadirachtin and clarified hydrophobic extract. According to, the oil deters insects and can be used medicinally.

    Gum disease

    • Natives of India use bitter twigs of the neem tree to brush their teeth. It keeps gums free of disease and significantly reduces signs of pyorrhea (an advanced stage of periodontal disease), says It rejuvenates gum tissue and prevents cavities, mouth ulcers, receding gums and tooth decay.


    • Toothpastes, mouthwashes and capsules are available imbued with neem oil's medicinal power.


    • Gargle with a solution of 12 to 20 drops of neem leaf extract in 2 oz. of water to prevent gingivitis, recommends


    • The U.S Environmental Protection Agency says usage of neem oil should pose no risks to human health.

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