How to Keep Your Gums From Bleeding
Brush your teeth more often. If your gums are bleeding any dentist will tell you the easiest solution to keep your gums from bleeding is to brush your teeth more often. Often times bleeding gums are the result of gums that just haven't toughened up to a good consistent brushing schedule. To keep your gums from bleeding, try brushing your gums too. This will toughen up your gums and clean them up too. Yes, it will cause bleeding at first but you should notice a difference after only a couple weeks.
Floss more often. To keep your gums from bleeding it's also a good idea to floss more often. This will toughen up the around directly around your teeth, and eliminate bleeding when you floss. Flossing is important for good overall oral hygiene which will help you keep your gums from bleeding. If you notice more bleeding or you can't seem to keep your gums from bleeding after a few weeks of flossing and brushing more often, visit and consult a dentist.
Eat less sugar. Less sugar means less plaque. Think of plaque as super-small pieces of food that can cause teeth to decay. Sugar is one of the big contributors to plaque in the mouth. Less plaque means less decay and a healthier mouth. Your gums may be weak from fighting off plaque and decay, so if you want to keep your gums from bleeding you might consider cutting some sugar out of your diet, or brushing after a sugary dessert.
Use mouth rinse to kill bacteria. Along the same lines as sugar, mouth rinse can help clear up plaque and keep your gums healthy. Mouth rinse may also kill other bacteria that weaken your gums-thus helping you keep your gums from bleeding. Rinse with mouthwash 1-2 times a day to kill bacteria in the mouth.