How to Find a Medi-Cal Dentist
Medi-Cal is the state of California's health coverage program for individuals and families with low incomes or disabilities. Medi-Cal offers a number of services, including dental care, administered by its Denti-Cal department. Denti-Cal has dentists all over the state who will treat patients enrolled in the Medi-Cal program.Things You'll Need
- California benefits ID Card
- Internet connection or
- Telephone
Locate your Medi-Cal Benefits Identification Card. You will need your identification number to make an appointment.
Visit and click on your county in California for a full listing of dentists who accept Denti-Cal patients. If you do not have Internet access, you can call Medi-Cal instead.
Call Medi-Call at (800) 322-6384 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and ask for a referral to a dentist in your area who accepts Denti-Cal patients.