Acrylic Vs. Stainless Steel Tongue Rings
You can easily find acrylic barbells for less than $5 as of 2010, at your piercer's, online, or even at mall kiosks. Stainless steel barbells are a little more expensive, ranging from $5 to $10. High end implant-grade stainless steel barbells can cost more than $50.
Stainless steel can be cleaned with antibacterial soap and water, or with alcohol (do not use alcohol if the jewelry has any acrylic or gems in it). Acrylic can be cleaned with antibacterial soap. Alcohol will ruin acrylic jewelry. Do not boil acrylic jewelry or expose it to extreme temperatures or it could shatter.
Stainless steel is the most durable material for piercings and with proper care will last a long time. Acrylic is susceptible to scratches, which may harbor bacteria and cause infection.
Stainless steel jewelry can be sterilized in an autoclave. Acrylic cannot withstand the high temperatures and will melt in an autoclave. Acrylic cannot be sterilized, so it should never be used in fresh or healing piercings.
Biting down on hard objects can crack or chip your teeth. Acrylic rings may leak toxins over time due to the warm, moist environment in your mouth. Steel rings may damage your teeth if you bite down on your jewelry. After your piercing is healed, you should switch to a shorter barbell to prevent biting down on the balls.