How to Soothe an Abscess in the Mouth

A mouth abscess, is a painful condition that is the result of an infection on the inside region of the mouth. The infection causes a buildup of puss which has nowhere to drain to and thus builds up. This build up of puss creates a painful abscess. Abscesses can occur in a tooth, as well as in the soft flesh areas of the mouth. In general, people with any type of abscess should seek medical attention from a dentist as soon as possible. However, there is a way to soothe the pain of an abscess until a dental visit is arranged.

Things You'll Need

  • Drinking glass
  • Salt
  • Spoon
  • Pain reliever
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      Fill a drinking glass with 8 oz. of warm tap water.

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      Place 1/8 tsp. of table salt into the glass of water.

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      Stir the water mixture with a spoon for 30 to 60 seconds to completely dissolve the salt in the water. Remove the spoon from the glass.

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      Sip a small amount of water out of the glass, but do not swallow it. Swish the salt water mixture around in the mouth for 20 to 30 seconds and then spit the mixture into a sink. Continue rinsing your mouth with the salt water rinse until the glass of water is empty.

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      Repeat the salt water rinsing method once per hour until visiting the dentist, or until the abscess heals.

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