What Are the Benefits of a Tongue Scraper?
People who follow ancient Ayurveda, a traditional medical practice in India, used tongue scrapers as a digestive aid and for oral health.
Tongue scraping or cleaning can help reduce the amount of bacteria on the tongue that causes halitosis. An article in the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that tongue scraping reduced halitosis, but for no more than 30 minutes.
Other Benefits
It is believed that tongue scrapers can help revitalize a person's taste buds, according to natural health expert, Jol delAmor, at Whole-body-detox-diet.com. This revitalization may actually allow one to enjoy their food more and, consequently, control their urge to overeat.
Jol DelAmor of Whole-body-detox.com also says in her article "How and Why to Use a Tongue Scraper" that she believes regular tongue scrapings can help keep the throat and sinuses cleaner.
To get the most benefit out of a tongue scraper, individuals should start as far back on the tongue as possible and scrape toward the front of the mouth.