How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Forever
Clean more than just your teeth. Brush twice a day and be sure to brush your teeth (especially the back ones), your tongue and the inside of your cheeks. Use a strong minty toothpaste that will leave your mouth smelling fresh and clean.
Don't forget to floss! Flossing is extremely important when it comes to preventing bad breath. Flossing removes the plaque and food particles that a toothbrush can leave behind. Nasty food that hides in between your teeth is a major cause of bad breath.
Drink water after meals and snacks to rinse your mouth. Also, keeping your mouth hydrated will help your breath stay fresh too. That's because a dry mouth normally has more food particles and bacteria hanging around that aren't getting washed down by fluids or saliva.
Keep gum on hand, but choose your gum wisely. Always use sugar free gum and stay away from sweet or fruity flavors. For many people, these kinds of gum only exaggerate bad breath. You're better off with a minty gum that contains teeth cleaning ingredients like xylitol. Some gums contain natural germ fighters as well. Eclipse gum is very effective at eliminating bad breath causing germs.