How to Wear a Night Guard to Protect Your Teeth From Grinding

The Mayo Clinic describes nighttime teeth grinding, or bruxism, as most dental professionals refer to it, as the clenching and grinding of the teeth while you sleep. Bruxism may cause the teeth to chip or crack, which can lead to other major dental problems. According to the American Dental Association, many people who suffer from nighttime teeth grinding don't know it is happening because it occurs during sleep. Over-the-counter night guards, or night guards, can help alleviate bruxism.

Things You'll Need

  • Mouth guard
  • Pot of boiling water
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  1. Treat Nighttime Teeth Grinding

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      Purchase an over-the-counter night guard (mouth guard) that can be boiled to soften it and mold it to the shape of your mouth. Because of financial situations or lack of dental insurance, purchasing an expensive night guard from your dentist might not be an option. However, you may be able to effectively treat nighttime grinding by purchasing a mouth guard from a local drug or athletic store.

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      Boil the night guard. Bring a pot of tap water to a boil and place the night guard in it for about one minute. Carefully remove the night guard and allow it to cool for about 10 seconds. Place the night guard inside your mouth on your top teeth, and bite down until your upper and lower teeth have clenched together. Leave the night guard in your mouth for five to 10 seconds and then remove it. The end result will be a mouth guard shaped to your individual mouth.

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      Place the night guard in your mouth before going to sleep each night. Over time, you may eventually train yourself not to clench and grind during the night, so you may not have to wear a night guard forever.

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      How often you will need to replace the night guard depends on how severely you clench and grind your teeth at night. If you are a hard grinder, you will tend to bite through your mouth guard a lot sooner than someone who does not clench quite as strongly. Over-the-counter mouth guards typically cost about $10, so it is not a big expense to purchase a new one.

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      Because night guards help you to stop clenching and grinding your teeth at night, using one may also alleviate effects of teeth grinding, including reducing headaches, lengthening the amount of sleep you receive each night, reducing tension in the jaw, and helping to protect any dental work you have had done.

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