How to Kiss With a Partial Denture

Wearing dentures can take a bit of practice, especially when it comes to inserting them and taking them out. Most people will adapt to dentures relatively easily, however, with just a bit of practice. You'll also find that most normal activities, like speaking and eating, even whistling, can be done with dentures as well. Kissing with dentures is essentially the same as kissing without them. If you're feeling nervous about the idea, there are a few things you can do to help relieve your anxiety and ensure a pleasant experience for all concerned.


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      Consider informing your partner that you have dentures. While many people choose not to do this until they're very close to the other person, knowing that the other person is aware of your dental state may help assuage your own concerns.

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      Keep your mouth and dentures fresh and clean. This includes cleaning your dentures twice daily with a soft brush and denture cleaner, as well as keeping your natural teeth clean as well.

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      Enjoy yourself. Many denture wearers -- or partners of denture wearers -- report that kissing remains a very natural, easy experience.

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