How to Seat a Denture

The process for seating both lower and upper dentures is the same. Lower dentures are more likely, however, to require extra adhesive to fit them in place, as the lower jaw has less bony structure to anchor the dentures when compared to the upper jaw and gum line. Adapting to wearing dentures does take a little practice, but before you know it the process of seating the dentures will become nearly second nature.

Things You'll Need

  • Dry towel or washcloth
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Denture adhesive
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    • 1

      Remove your dentures from the water or denture cleanser they were stored in and rinse them clean. Blot them dry with a clean, dry towel or washcloth.

    • 2

      Brush your gums, tongue and palate with a soft-bristled brush. This helps keep your dental tissues healthy. Rinse your mouth clean with water or with your mouth rinse of choice.

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      Apply denture adhesive to the surfaces of the dentures that contact your gums or palate in short, 1/4-inch strips. If you're not sure how much adhesive to use, err on the side of using too little adhesive, instead of too much, and gradually adjust until you've found the appropriate amount for you. This will differ from person to person.

    • 4

      Press the dentures firmly in place with your fingers and hold them there as you bite down gently to secure them against your gums.

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