Homemade Remedies for the Removal of Plaque From Teeth
Toothbrushing Tips
Brush your teeth often and effectively. While this might seem self-explanatory, there are a few tips that you may have overlooked that will help you stop plaque buildup. For example, you should hold your brush at a 45-degree angle to your mouth; that will allow half the brush to hit your teeth and half to hit your gums, effectively cleaning both areas. You should also change your toothbrush regularly, because a worn out toothbrush will provide hardly any protection compared to a fresh one. Finally, you should always brush after meals to immediately stop any plaque buildup from occurring.
Watch What and How You Eat
You should obviously avoid sugary foods, but also stay away from aerated drinks. If you must indulge in a sugary soda or drink, then use a straw. When you drink sodas and the like out of a bottle, can, or glass, you're essentially bathing your teeth in the harmful sugars which cause plaque buildup. Using a straw will make the liquid bypass the teeth and head right for the throat.
Buy Tooth-Friendly Products
Look for a few products that actually contain ingredients to fight plaque buildup. For example, sugar-free gum contains a natural sweetener that aids in dissolving plaque. In addition, using mouthwash that contains the ingredients domiphen bromide or cetylpridinium chloride is a proactive way to prevent dental health, since those ingredients can actually fight off the development of plaque.