How to Search for Dentists at Dental Associations
Search for dentists through dental associations
Search for dentists by using the tool developed by the largest national dental association, the American Dental Association. The ADA's online tool is very easy to use. Choose the type of dentist you are looking for, enter city and state or Zip code, and you will be able to view a list of nearby dentists and their contact information. You may also contact the ADA directly at 312-440-2500.
Find dentists by searching through your state dental association. The ADA maintains a list of all of the state dental associations in the U.S. Once you select your state dental association, contact information and a web site link is available. Most state dental associations offer an online tool to search for dentists, or you may contact the association directly to ask for a list of dentists in your community.
Search for dentists through dental associations that focus on a particular dental specialty or procedure (such as cosmetic dentistry or implant dentistry). A complete list of links to dental associations is available by searching through online directories such as Dental 2000. These links will allow you to visit a particular association's web site to obtain contact information or to search online for dentists within that specialty.