How to Fix Chipped Teeth
Things You'll Need
- Gauze (if necessary)
- Black tea bag
- Dental cement
- Cool compress (if necessary)
- Over-the-counter pain reliever (if necessary)
Call your dentist and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. You can't fix chipped teeth yourself, notes the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. These steps are simply temporary solutions until you can see someone who can give you the correct treatment for your chipped tooth.
If you've just chipped a tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water. If your tooth is severely fractured or broken to the point where bleeding is present, put a piece of gauze on the wounded area until the bleeding stops or about 10 minutes. Alternately, apply a moist tea bag to the area.
Apply a cool compress over the mouth or cheek over the chipped tooth. This is helpful if you experience swelling or pain. Over-the-counter pain relievers are also helpful.
Temporarily cover the exposed part of the tooth if you can't see a dentist right away. The Columbia University College of Dental Medicine advises covering the tooth using over-the-counter dental cement, such as Dentemp or Recapit brands.
Let your dentist present the options. Minor chipping may only require the application of a filling material or a simple polishing to remove the rough edges. But major fractures and breaks may entail a root canal and crown placement, and some splits and breaks are serious enough to warrant removal of the entire tooth.