How to Lookup a Dentist
Things You'll Need
- Phone directory
- Personal computer
How to Look Up a Dentist
Open a phone directory's yellow pages and search under the word "dentists" to find of list of dentists practicing in your area. A listing of practicing dentists will typically appear in the yellow pages of the directory.
Determine what type of dentist you're looking for. The ADA says there are dentists who strictly work on children, family dentists who will work on patients of all ages, and those who specialize in particular dental practices like oral surgery and orthodontics.
Look up the dentist online at to see if she has been disciplined or any complaints have been submitted to the state licensing board. All dentists are monitored by a state licensing board, and complaints by patients or disciplinary actions against dental providers are considered public knowledge.
Check with your dental insurance provider to see if the services provided by this dentist are covered by your insurance. The ADA warns that certain procedures like x-rays and fluoride are not covered for certain patients. This depends on the type of coverage you have.
Call the office to see if they're accepting new patients. Some dentists only accept a certain number of patients. When they've reached that quota, they'll stop seeing new patients and will only treat the ones they currently have.