How to Prevent Canker Sores (mouth sores)

Got a painful canker sore? Canker sores aka mouth sores are the result of a viral infection. Canker sores are most commonly found on the tongue and inner lips. Although there are a few canker sore remedies and treatment's available, early prevention is the best way to avoid canker sores. Here are a few tips on how to avoid canker sores from forming.


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      Avoid eating an abundance of highly acidic fruits such as oranges or grapefruits. High concentrations of acid from these citrus fruits is a common cause of canker sores in the mouth.

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      Try to reduce your stress levels. Studies show that stress can lead to increased amounts of canker sores. Practice a few stress relief exercises at least a couple times a day if you lead a stressful life.

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      Avoid using toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). SLS is what makes the toothpaste foam and has been know to dramatically increase canker sore rates among users. Instead use a natural brand of toothpaste that doesn't contain any SLS.

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      Stay away from iron supplements. People with high daily iron intakes have been know to be more likely to develop canker sores.

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