Denture Wearing Tips
Proper Fit
Make sure that the dentist fits the dentures properly because if dentures are not fitted properly, it could result in too much friction between the tissues and the dentures. The friction could result in a sore spot that could become infected.
With age, the mouth changes, so it is important to have a proper fit. Contact your dentist if the dentures no longer fit properly are become lose. Also, have regular checkups with your dentist to make any adjustments.
Clean dentures daily; it will reduce bacteria. Avoid using hot water when cleaning dentures because hot water could cause them to warp. Use warm or cool water to thoroughly clean dentures.
When cleaning the dentures, do not use hard bristles because they could damage the denture material. Handle dentures with care when cleaning them because they can break. Clean them over a sink. After cleaning them, rinse them thoroughly, and keep them in a solution overnight.
In addition to cleaning the dentures, the mouth needs to be cleaned for proper oral care. Also, brush your gums, tongue and palate so that plague is removed. Make sure the mouth is clean before putting the dentures back in. Brush your gums and tongue before putting the dentures back into your mouth.
Other Tips
Also, make sure you have regular examinations. Regular exams will ensure that you get properly checked out so that you are on the lookout for oral diseases. Early detection will help put a stop to any oral diseases that develop.
Keep dentures out of your mouth for at least six hours so that tissues can relax.
If dentures break, do not try to repair the dentures on your own. Repairing them yourself could cause problems, and using the chemicals from the glue purchased at stores could be harmful to dentures. Have a dentist repair them.
Replace dentures every three years. Old dentures can lead to bad oral hygiene. As one gets older, gums my shrink, making the jaws align differently.