Loose Teeth Tighten Home Remedy
Why is it Loose?
If you suffered an accident, you know why you're tooth is loose. There are only two other possible causes for a loose tooth: gum disease or a faulty dental appliance. All will need medical attention from your dentist sooner rather than later. She has procedures available that can surgically restore your teeth.
Fixing a Loose Dental Appliance
If your dental appliance, such as a crown or bridge, comes out over the weekend, you can get many over-the-counter products that will temporarily tighten the appliance until you can get in to see your dentist. If the crown or bridge has completely come out, clean with a toothbrush and use a product such as Dentemp to adhere it in your mouth. If your bridge or crown is loose, carefully apply Dentemp to the tooth and surrounding teeth. Dentemp is only intended as a temporary solution.
Fixing a Tooth Loose by Gum Disease
If your tooth is only slightly loose, it might be a sign of gum disease or periodontal osteoporosis. Make sure you are properly brushing and flossing every day, as well as getting plenty of calcium. It is also recommended you use mouthwash to reduce plaque and help reduce the gum disease gingivitis. If you're a smoker, here's one more reason to quit. Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors to the development and progression of periodontal disease. Talk with your dentist if you have signs of early periodontal disease.
Fixing a Loose Tooth Caused by Injury
Your dentist is most suited to fixing your loose tooth. If you have suffered an accident, it is imperative you get to the dentist within an hour to save a knocked out or severely loose tooth. However, if the tooth is only slightly loose and still properly aligned, it probably will tighten back up on its own. Still, it's a good idea to visit a dentist as soon as possible. Although you might be tempted because of the pain, never put aspirin directly on a tooth; the acid in aspirin will cause damage to tissue.
If your tooth is only slightly loose, you can try this home remedy: Mix ½ tsp. of mustard oil with a pinch of table salt. Massage the loose tooth with a mixture twice daily. This is a home remedy that is said to work especially well for smokers.