Ionic White Instructions
Read the instructions in your kit thoroughly before commencing the teeth whitening process. Inspect the contents of the kit to ensure none of the tubes are damaged or leaking. Although the unit can be cleaned easily, it's not a good idea to share the unit with other members of your household. Ionic White won't work on dentures, caps or veneers since they were stained to match the color of your natural teeth. The LED light is totally harmless and no different than other types of LED lights.
On the first day brush your teeth thoroughly. Take a tube of the whitening gel and apply the entire contents to the center of the mouthpiece. Next, apply the all the contents of the whitening gel accelerator to the mouthpiece over the whitening gel. After gel application put the Ionic White unit in your mouth for around two minutes; the light will automatically turn off. Remove the mouthpiece and swish the gel in your mouth for approximately another five minutes. Now repeat the entire process twice more.
To maintain your whiter smile, remember to use the Stay White spray two to three times per week. The spray contains the same active ingredients as the gels but in a lower concentration. For best results, carry out a two minute application biweekly or monthly.
If you are unsure about anything, contact the customer service department to have your questions answered. To maintain your white smile remember to use the Stay White spray two to three times per week. To reap the full benefits of Ionic White, try to avoid products that are likely to stain your teeth such as tea, coffee, red wine, cola and smoking. If your teeth are badly stained, try leaving the light on for longer.