Roth Technique in Orthodontia
Treatment Goals
Dr. Roth insisted on having goals for all of the areas influenced by orthodontic treatment, according to He believed that if clear treatment goals were practiced, the diagnostics would improve, reducing the risk of treatment failure. The goals cover five areas: facial aesthetics, dental aesthetics, functional occlusion, periodontal health and a healthy temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Establishing goals for the five areas listed previously is essential in orthodontics. Facial aesthetic goals lead to the choice of specific tooth movements, wires and whether or not extraction is necessary. Jaw surgery is also a consideration of facial aesthetics. Dental aesthetics and facial aesthetics are complementary. Goals for both of these areas help in defining what needs to be done, and how it is going to look. Functional occlusion includes factors such as overbite, underbite, disclusion and functional movements of both the upper and lower jaw. Periodontal tissue goals are important because the periodontium that supports teeth needs to be of a proper thickness.
Temporomandibular joint goals should be to have the teeth hitting at the same time when the condyle is seated correctly. If disc displacement is occurring, negative changes such as profile changes will occur. Establishing goals under the five areas of facial esthetics, dental esthetics, functional occlusion, periodontal health, and a healthy temporomandibular joint will help in the success of orthodontic treatments and procedures.