Why Do I Have a Metal Taste in My Mouth?
This can be indicative of problems with oral health, toxicity in the blood or as a side effect of certain medications. It often means that something is wrong, perhaps very minor, perhaps serious.
The metallic taste can result from metal poisoning, gum disease, tooth infection, food allergies, kidney disease, cancer or the use of drugs such as antibiotics, antidepressants or blood pressure medication.
Time Frame
If there is no identifiable cause, the problem may go away on its own in anywhere from a few days to a few months. Otherwise, it may last until the cause is removed.
If oral health is the problem, more frequent brushing may help, as well as scraping the tongue regularly with a tongue brush. If it persists, seek medical help.
It has been suggested by the website Health Blurbs that it may help to use plastic utensils when eating instead of silverware.