Ways to Verify Credentials for Dentists
State Boards
One of the most important places to look is at the state board. Each dentist needs to be registered with the State Board of Dental Examiners before beginning a practice. This database will provide you with a list of licensed dentists, and each state provides access through the Internet.
The state board will provide the dentists' phone number, address, license number and issue date, as well as the end of record mark. The most important piece of information you will find is the license number. This number indicates whether the dentist has a valid, working license and if they have had any issues or disciplinary action taken against them.
Each state has a board phone number where you can request information based on license numbers. Have license numbers on hand before calling for verification.
Online Searches
Those who don't want to go through state board records can use websites that offer information about dentists in a particular area. You will need the dentist's name, and some sites charge an access fee to see credentials or disciplinary action information.
For some, being able to check for a dentist on their own through the Internet is more efficient than going through state board records. It also helps narrow down dentists in your immediate area, as opposed to statewide. Online records also filter out dentists that have had problems, making it easier for you to see them and avoid their practice.