Temporary Relief From Gum Pain
Put 2 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon baking soda in 1 pint of warm water; cover tightly, shake until dissolved, and rinse and gargle with solution as needed. Or, apply a 1:2 mixture of salt and baking soda directly to your gums.
Rub ice on your gums or suck on ice chips to ease the pain and keep your mouth moist. A wet tea bag may also help.
Bergamot and Oregano Oils
Oil of bergamot and oil of oregano are antiseptics; apply directly or use in a mouthwash. Find these oils at a well-stocked health food store, usually in the health and beauty section.
Clove Oil
Clove is a popular ingredient in natural dental products found at health food stores; it is also available as an oil. It is antiseptic and also has a numbing effect; do not leave it on for too long because it may burn.
Oral Hygiene
Keep your teeth clean. Rinse your mouth after eating, brush carefully if your gums are raw and see your dentist as soon as you can.