Herbal Cure for Bad Breath
The most common cause for bad breath is bacteria in the oral cavity, which produces when saliva production decreases. Other causes for bad breath are linked to consuming odor-causing food and beverages such as alcohol, which decreases saliva production; garlic; milk; onions; and tobacco use. When bad breath cannot be remedied by proper oral hygiene, the cause may be gum disease or sinus infection. Digestive problems can also cause bad breath because the gas that is produced in the stomach exits from the mouth, emitting an unpleasant odor.
When bad breath is not related to food and drink consumption or smoking, it could be an indication of gum (periodontal) disease. Gum disease is when plague buildup on teeth causes toxins to form in the oral cavity causing inflammation to the gums. If left untreated, gum disease can result in tooth loss.
Saliva is needed to wash away dead particles on the tongue, teeth and gums, and moisturize the mouth to neutralize the acids caused by plaque. When bad breath is a result of dry mouth (xerostomia), the dead cells that remain in the oral cavity decompose causing bad breath. Plaque on teeth has been linked to an increase risk of heart disease.
Engaging in proper dental hygiene will minimize bacteria growth and keep breath fresh. The three areas of the oral cavity that are affected by bacteria are the teeth, tongue and gums. To keep these areas clean brush your teeth, floss and scrape or brush your tongue to remove decaying food particles, bacteria and plaque, all of which contribute to bad breath.
In addition to following proper oral hygiene, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will keep saliva production steady and the mouth moist to minimize the presence of odor causing bacteria.
Herbs have active ingredients that combat bad breath.
Cardamon contains the highest amounts of cineole, an antiseptic that fights bad breath bacteria. Chew on a cardamon seed or add it in boiling water when making tea to kill oral bacteria and freshen breath.
Eucalyptus is a compound from eucalyptus oil and also rich in cineole. Chew eucalyptus leaves or as an alternative place a few drops of eucalyptus oil in water and use as a mouthwash.
Chlorophyll-rich plants absorb odors, so they are effective in ridding bad breath. Chlorophyll-rich herbs include parsley, sage, rosemary, basil, celery and thyme. Chew on the leaves of these plants or eat the celery stalk to freshen breath. The leaves and stalk can be swallowed for continuous freshness emitting from the digestive system.
Neem is an evergreen tree known for its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Chew on Neem leaves or take Neem supplements to remove bacteria in the mouth and keep breath fresh.
Mint is one of the most common ways to freshen breath. Chew on the leaves or use mint oil in water as a mouthwash.
Cloves are antibacterial and when chewed on or boiled in water release their bacteria fighting properties. Drink the clove boiled water as a tea or use as a mouthwash.
Anise is a licorice flavored herb that freshens breath. Boil the seeds for 3 to 5 minutes, strain and then use as a mouthwash.
Not all herbs are suitable for ingestion, because they may be toxic. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or taking other medications when using herbs for internal use.