Abscessed Tooth & Jaw Pain
A tooth abscess occurs when a bacterial infection in the center of the tooth creates a pocket of pus. It is important to seek medical treatment if you suspect that you have an abscessed tooth, as it can be deadly if left untreated.
Tooth decay or broken, chipped teeth can cause a tooth abscess, because the bacteria is able to invade and infect the tooth through the opening in the enamel. The infection may eventually spread to the jaw bones.
Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth
A severe toothache is the first symptom of an abscessed tooth. If the infection continues, other symptoms may occur, such as facial swelling, fever, bitter taste in the mouth, bad breath, pain when eating, tooth sensitivity, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. The infection is considered very serious if the lower or upper jaw become swollen.
Getting Rid of the Pain
In order to treat the pain, the abscess must be drained by your dentist. He will likely prescribe antibiotics to completely clear up the infection. Over-the-counter pain relievers can be used, but your doctor may give you prescription medication if you need something stronger.
Severe Cases
In cases of severe abscesses, the patient may need to undergo a root canal or have the tooth extracted. Hospitalization may be required if the abscess needs surgical removal.