Test for Bad Breath
Visual Test
Because most cases of bad breath are caused by bacteria on the tongue, you can visually check for their presence. They usually appear as a whitish coating. The Bad Breath Info & Tips Web site says to stand at a mirror and use a tissue to grip the tip of your tongue. If the back part is noticeably coated, you most likely have halitosis.
Tongue Test
You can test the front and back of your tongue to detect any odors. For the front part, Animated Teeth recommends licking your wrist. Let the saliva dry for about five seconds, then smell the area. If there is an odor, it means the front of your tongue may be causing bad breath. To check the back part of your tongue, turn a spoon upside down and gently scrape it on that area. Be careful of your gag reflex. If you see whitish material on the spoon, sniff it. It will most likely have an unpleasant odor.
Floss Test
Use a strip of unscented dental floss to floss the areas between your back teeth. According to the Bad Breath Info & Tips Web site, you should then smell the floss. If it has an odor, you probably have bad breath.
Ask Someone
Although it can be embarrassing, the most accurate way to find out whether you have bad breath is to simply ask someone. Ask a friend or relative you can trust rather than someone who might say "no" because he or she doesn't want to hurt your feelings.