Denture Care Procedures
Handling dentures in a careful way is important due to their delicate nature. According to the American Dental Association, dentures can be chip or crack even if you drop them from a few inches above a surface. instructs denture users to stand over a towel that has been folded for extra cushion or a sink full of water in case you drop them.
Brushing dentures daily is an important step, although brushing the rest of the mouth is just as important. The American Dental Association instructs denture users to continue to brush gums, tongue, and palate with a soft-bristled toothbrush before dentures are worn. Brushing the inside of the mouth before denture placement helps reduce plaque and heightens circulation in the mouth. Dentures must be brushed daily to remove food and plaque buildup, to prevent staining, and to ensure good overall oral health.
According to, the best type of toothbrush to use is one specifically made for denture cleaning. The use of hard-bristle brushes may result in damages to the dentures.
When dentures are not being worn it is important to store them in a safe location away from children and pets, who could potentially damage them.
According to the American Dental Association, it is possible for dentures to lose their shape and proper fit if they dry out. Dentures should be stored in a container with water, or in a denture cleansing solution recommended by your dentist. Hot water can cause dentures to warp, so it is important that the water is not too hot.
Numerous denture products like cleaning solutions and tablets, adhesives, denture cleanser, and brushes are available. Although all of these products exist, the American Dental Association recommends that you use only products that carry its seal because of their proven safety and effectiveness. Denture adhesive is only necessary if recommended by your dentist, and according to the ADA, should not be used to compensate for poorly fitting dentures. Denture cleansers recommended by one's dentist can be used in denture cleaning, although many denture patients use regular handsoap or dishwashing soap. The American Dental Association approves of mild soap for cleaning, but does not recommend the use of other cleaners.
Over time dentures may need to be repaired for numerous reasons. Although fixing the problem yourself may seem harmless, it can cause serious damage to the dentures, and your health, according to the ADA. It is recommended that you take your denutures to the dentist if they break, crack, chip, or become loose.