Sources of Bad Breath
Onion and garlic, which are healthful foods, can cause bad breath. The oils from these foods get carried through the body in the bloodstream where the oils are transferred to the lungs that give off the foul odor through your breath. Alcohol behaves in the same way as onion and garlic. It's not the alcohol that creates the odor, but the elements that make up the beverage that produce the odor.
Medical diseases and conditions may be the source of bad breath if the source isn't a dental problem. Diseases and conditions that cause bad breath include chronic sinus infection, bronchitis, diabetes, severe acid reflux, kidney or liver disease, pneumonia, and postnasal drip. Upper-respiratory medical conditions create bad breath by diverting postnasal drip flow to the back of the tongue where bacteria breed. The bacteria feed on the mucus, then produce toxins that generate bad breath. Kidney disease and liver disease tend to produce terrible bad breath.
Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is created from breathing through the mouth. Usually this happens if there's a sinus infection and you can't breath through your nose; instead you breath through your mouth. Dry mouth changes the quality and lowers the amount of saliva in your mouth. This change spikes an increase in bacteria that lead to bad breath.
Gingivitis is a gum disease that results because of a bacterial infection between the tooth and the gum. The bacteria release more toxins through the body that generate an odor in the mouth. A thorough cleaning from your dentist can remove the bacteria that's causing your bad breath. The odor that periodontal bacteria produce is often referred to as fecal breath.
You don't have to avoid eating your favorite foods such as onion and garlic to avoid bad breath. Instead, brush your teeth and tongue after you've eaten to prevent bad breath hours later. And don't skip breakfast. Leaving your stomach empty will only create bad breath. Eating citrus fruits can keep bad breath at bay. These fruits help produce the saliva that keeps the mouth moist. If you're going to drink anything, drink water. Water flushes toxins from the body, so it's a natural repellent of bad breath.