What Are the Restrictions After Tongue Piercings?
Alcohol and Cigarettes
Don't smoke for at least the first week after getting your tongue pierced. Don't drink any alcoholic beverages until your tongue shrinks to normal size. This could be anywhere from weeks to months. Drinking alcohol will only make the swelling of your tongue worse if it has not healed.
During the first week of your piercing, you will find it difficult to eat solid foods. Restrict yourself to either a liquid diet or other soft foods easy to swallow. For example, a supplement shake and Jell-O will provide the necessary nutrients, and they are easy to eat. Cut out any spicy foods like hot sauce, or crunchy, like hard tacos, because both can cause pain.
While your new piercing may make you feel more attractive, be safe while your piercing heals. Pecks on the lips are alright, but avoid extensive kissing (especially with tongue) during the first few weeks of having a piercing. This can cause irritation if the barbell is moving around too much and germs from the other person can lead to an infection. Don't engage in oral sex until the piercing heals. Avoid irritation, infection or catching diseases.
Germs and Topical Solutions
During the first couple weeks after the piercing, check that the barbell is staying on tightly. However, need avoid putting your hands in your mouth. Germs will easily spread from your hands to the wound on your tongue. Don't put any sort of topical solution, like Neosporin or Bactine, on your tongue to fight against these germs. Instead, use a diluted glass of mouthwash to clean out your mouth each day.